Friday 1 November 2013


2D Work

Working with found imagery.

As part of this task, I was given the word 'off the grid' to create a piece relevant to this word using found imagery from magazines and newspapers, focusing on colour and composition. I researched different meanings to this word and also my idea of what I think it means. After expanding my ideas, I decided to focus on one of its meanings, this being 'not doing what is expected' and being unique. I took in to account the composition as I used repetition to create it. I also used a minimal colour palette as I wanted it to give off a vintage feel.

Matthew Williamson

From daisies to polka dots, and billowing dresses to pencil skirts, Matthew Williamson's 2014
spring/summer collection is one to be loved. The use of bold colour brings a refreshingly
feminine feel to this cobalt blue chiffon dress that flows down the runway to exaggerate the
use of colour and simplicity of prints. I love the pleasant feel Williamson's pieces bring,
especially the garment below that embraces an extravagant yet satisfying number of daises 
to create this beautiful dress and I particularly like the different shades of blue Williamson
has used in this collection.

Stefan Sagmeister

'Having Guts Always Works Out For Me'- Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is a graphic designer and typographer who uses the design around him to
create images of text in an unusual form. I find it really interesting how Sagmeister uses art
around him to expand his idea of it and incorporate writing to create a fascinating piece of
typography. I particularly like this piece and the choice of materials used. The combination
of bare fabric against the background of trees work really well together as the text stands
out from the image, although the trees are still visibly a main part of the piece.

Exploring Colour and Compostion

Matthew Harris

'Lantern Cloth'- Matthew Harris

Matthew Harris is a textile artist who uses dying, cutting and hand stitching. Harris creates
his pieces using these methods and explores colour, repetition and pattern to produce a
textured surface to his work. I particularly like this piece as he has worked directly on to
cloth and created an abstract image that includes a range of marks and block colour that
exaggerate this piece. Focusing on certain objects, I created a series of pieces that link to
Harris' work, focusing and experimenting on colour and compositions. I wanted to limit my
colour palette so I focused only on a few colours and textures. 

My outcomes-

3D Work

I was given the word 'insert' and told to expand my ideas on what this word really means and how it can be interpreted in different ways. I brainstormed around this word and thought of ways this word is used, such as a plug socket. After coming up with a variety of ideas, I chose to focus on a key-hole for my final design. I created a key and a key-hole out of different thicknesses of wire.

My final outcome-

Rowan Mersh

Like Nora Fok, Rowan Mersh creates jewellery that is widely exaggerated
although he has a more experimental approach and creates his pieces
through technique and design. I really like how Mersh's work emphasises
shapes within the piece and the material being used and how the jewellery
being created can be regarded as sculptures. The detail of this particular
piece fascinates me as he has been successful in creating such a delicate
design using just the simplest of materials.

Nora Fok

Nora Fok is an expressive artist who's ideas are personal and distinctive. Fok's delightful and
intricate compositions are translated using her unique ability. She sets out to capture the
different aspects of nature and structure in her work, and is often intrigued by the world
around her. As her work is processed by hand, using only basic tools, it requires hours, days
and weeks to produce such complicated designs. I constructed a three dimensional response
to her work and created my interpretation of the image above. I wanted to capture the
delicate designs of her work in to mine so i used only card to create it.

Here is my response.